
The education program of Mary Joy Ethiopia focuses on two main components: improving the quality of education through both soft and hard initiatives. This includes facilitating separate toilets for girls and boys, constructing girls’ dignity rooms and expanding classrooms, and strengthening school libraries.

Capacity-building    interventions involve training school teachers on various issues, establishing or strengthening Parent-Student-Teacher Associations, enhancing access to education for vulnerable children, and improving their academic performance and competencies.

The program offers educational support such as providing school supplies, meals, tutoring, and advocating for school fee exemption. It also provides non-formal education for children who have not accessed formal schooling, supports and promotes girls in school, reduces dropout rates, conducts educational assessments, and addresses gaps to enhance academic attendance and performance. Additionally, the program aims to provide psychosocial, medical, and legal support for girls at schools who are victims of rape, abduction, and other gender-based violence.

Health Component

The interventions focus on both curative and preventive aspects. The curative interventions are carried out within the MJE’s two health centers and through establishing partnerships with government health facilities to provide specialized services such as prevention, treatment, and
palliative care for cervical cancer. They also support adolescent girls with comprehensive services within the law and provide support for girls seeking help with unsafe abortion, including medical and psychosocial support through referral mechanisms.

Another goal is to improve the community’s awareness and health-seeking behavior on RMNCH/FP (Reproductive Health, Mother, Neo-Nate and Child health including family planning), Nutrition, Tuberculosis, WASH, Malaria, Cervical Cancer, Lung Cancer, and HIV/AIDS including PMTCT.

  Adolescent Youth Sexual Reproductive Health (AYSRH) interventions are essential as they aim to provide information, knowledge, and services related to AYSRH. The goal is to enhance the utilization of Adolescent Youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (AYSRHR), as well as to improve awareness surrounding Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) among school children, parents, peer mothers, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), and religious leaders in the community.

Economic Strengthening

Economic strengtheninginterventions are the cornerstone of MJE’s program, and over the years, MJE has gained extensive experience in economically empowering the target community. The program aims to engage women and youth in income-generating activities with  the goal of uplifting vulnerable community groups from poverty.

The intervention focused on assisting people living with HIV/AIDS, socio-economically marginalized women, unemployed youth, and caregivers. This included vocational skill training, organizing Community Self-Supporting Saving Groups (CSSGs) and Village Level Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), as well as providing training on business development services, small-scale business development, financial management, entrepreneurship, and offering startup capital.

Street CHILDREN program

This program addresses a cross-cutting issue by aiming to involve children in matters that affect their lives. As child-centered organization, MJE works to empower children to influence development initiatives and make them more child-friendly. MJE also aims to nurture future leaders for the nation.


Mary Joy Ethiopia is a pioneering organization that runs a Private-Public-Partnership program to mobilize the private sector, the government, and the wider community to fund its programs. The program engages artists, media professionals, and celebrities as volunteers to rally resources for social causes. It aims to ensure the organization’s sustainability, foster a culture of giving, and provide a platform for Ethiopian citizens and philanthropists to fulfill their social responsibilities in an organized manner.

Additionally, it focuses on local and international resource mobilization, impacting both state and non-state actors’ partnerships. The Private Public Partnership Program (PPPP) seeks to empower citizens to support Highly Vulnerable Children (HVC), Orphaned and Vulnerable Youth (OVY), and disadvantaged senior citizens to facilitate sustainable development.

  • Orphanand Vulnerable Children and their care givers
  • Destitute elder persons
  • Unemployed youth
  • People Living with HIV/AIDS
  • Children in general on capacity building and empowerment)
  • Schools
  • Health institutions
  • CommunityBased organizations and Faith Based Organizations
  • Factories on mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS and other socio-economic problems
  • Local government structure



In Addis Ababa MJE operates in six sub cities: Kolfe Keraniyo, Addis Ketema, Arada,Gulelie, Yeka and Bole covering 25 Woredas.

Yirgalem, Town, Hawassa, Boricha Woreda, Malga Woreda, Wondo Genet Town,Wondo Genet Woreda, Aleta Chuko Woreda, Aleta Chuko Town, Dara Kebado Woreda,Darara Woreda, Dara Otolicho Woreda, and Bilate Zuria Woreda

Mizan Aman and Tepi towns

Hadiya zone, Guraghe zone, and Mareko special woreda

Arbaminch, Dilla, Sodo, Jinka

Dodola, Hassasa, Bishoftu,

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