Mary Joy Ethiopia has been implementing various integrated development programs that focuses on:


The education program of MJE focused on two major components areas that are improving the quality of education through soft and hard component such as facilitating separate toilet for girls and boys students, construction of girls dignity room and classrooms expansion, strengthening of schools’ library, etc capacity building interventions includes training of school teachers on various issues, establishing and/or strengthening of Parent Students Teachers Association and making them vibrant, enhance access to education of vulnerable children and improve their academic performance and competency of same. Major interventions are: scholastic material support for vulnerable children, school feeding for highly vulnerable children, tutorial support, and advocate school fee exemption status, availing non-formal education for school aged children that have not accessed formal education, support and promote girls at schools to improving their academic performance, reduction of dropout rate, undertake periodical educational assessment and address gaps for enhancing academic attendance and performance of children, provide psychosocial medical and legal support for girls at schools victims of rape, abduction and other Gender Based violence.

The Health Component

intervention focuses on both curative and prevention aspects. The curative interventions underway with in the MJE’s two health centers and through establishing partnership with government health facilities for some of specialized services such as Prevention, treatment and palliative care for cervical cancer, support of adolescent girls with Comprehensive services within the law, provision of support for girls coming with unsafe abortion both medical and psycho-social support through referral mechanisms. Improving the community’s awareness and health seeking behavior on RMNCH/FP (Reproductive Health, Mother, Neo-Nate and Child health including family planning), Nutrition, Tuberculosis, WASH, Malaria, Cervical Cancer, Lung Cancer, and HIV and AIDS including PMTCT. Adolescent Youth Sexual Reproductive Health (AYSRH) interventions are one of the critical programs that focus on accessing information, knowledge and services on AYSRH. The AYSRH program aims to and utilization of Adolescent Youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (AYSRHR) and enhance knowledge of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), to school children, parents, peer mothers, Community Based Organization (CBO), religious leaders at the community and create enabling environment for Youth Peer Providers (YPP) to reach adolescence and youth with SRH information and services.

Economic Strengthening:

Economic Strengthening interventions are the pillar of MJE’s program and over the years MJE has been acquiring experiences in empowering the target community economically. Engaging women and youth in income gaining activities are aiming to up lift vulnerable community groups from poverty traps. The interventions target PLWHA, socio-economically marginalized women, unemployed youth and care givers with vocational skill training, organizing in CSSGs (Community Self Supportive Saving Groups), and VSLAs (Village level Saving and Loan Associations), training on Business Development Service, on small scale business development and financial management, on entrepreneurship and provide startup capital.


Mary Joy is pioneer organization that initiates Private-Public-Partnership program helped to mobilize private sectors, government and wider community partnership to the extent of funding MJEs program. The program mobilizes Artists, media professionals, celebrities to serving as volunteers to mobilize resources for the good social cause. Ensure institutional sustainability and program continuity through enhancing the culture of giving, creating a platform for Ethiopian citizens and other philanthropists to discharge their social responsibility in organized way for the good cause, and upholding local and international resource mobilization. Our locally recognized brand as local resource mobilization advocator enabled us to impact state and non-state actors’ partnership.
The Private Public Partnership Program (PPPP) has been designed with the aim of empowering citizens to respond to the needs of Highly Vulnerable Children (HVC), Orphaned and Vulnerable Youth (OVY) and Disadvantaged senior citizens and create access for sustainable development.
In order to achieve the major objective of PPP major strategies used are; Awareness creation, Local Resource Mobilization, HVC and Elders sponsorship, facilitating job placement, and free scholarship opportunities for the youth, provision of comprehensive services for elders at Hawassa elder center, provision of Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and youth edutainment services through MJE ’s youth centers, and Networking, through motivating citizens and Diaspora to supporting the program. Moreover, MJE promotes membership of local private sectors with different levels such as platinum, gold and silver and bronze level. Ordinary membership is free for all, and promotes voluntarism.

Read more, Members protocol
Read more, volunteers management guideline

Organizational capacity building: pay due attention on organizational capacity building so as to bring remarkable upshot on responsiveness, transparent and good performer.
Community Capacity building: Mary Joy intrinsically highly valued community participation as one of stamina for sustainability. The program has various capacity building activities such as training, financial and material support for Income Generating Activities and technical support targeting community groups that partnered in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project. By and large, this component spiraled on community empowerment.
Community and local government institutional capacity building program is one of the four thematic areas that the organization works on. The basic reason why the program is made part of the organization is due to the following four assumptions:
 It avoids duplication of efforts
 It improves networking and partnerships
 It enhances community ownership and sustains programs, and
 It facilitates social change and transformation from the “not-in-my-backyard-attitude” towards” “ I am responsible” in respect of development and humanitarian causes and interventions
The targets include Iddir leaders, School principals, Teachers, Health workers, Professionals, Administrators, Law enforcement bodies, peer mothers, youth leaders, women association leaders, club leaders, peer educators. The major services provided by this program component include: training, experience sharing, material and financial support, technical aid, and awareness rising.

Child protection, participation and Empowerment:

This program is cross cutting issue that aiming to bring the participation of children on board on matters affecting their lives. As child centered organization, MJE strives to build the capacity of children to impact development actors in such a way making child friendly at all development initiative. MJE further look and works to bring the future leaders for the nation for the time to come.
Cross Cutting issues:
Moreover, the following are cross cutting issues to be considered in programming and project development.
• Capacity building of community, stakeholders and institutions
• Reproductive health, HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, sexually transmitted infections
• Gender mainstreaming
• Disability mainstreaming
• Environmental Protection
• Child protection mainstreaming

Goal 1. Capitalizing MJE’s experiences and competencies, MJE aims to contribute to the achievement the 10th year strategic plan of Ethiopia and SDG through engaging in an integrated and pro-poor development program in the area wherein it operates
• To ensure organizational capability that leads to its sustainability to maintain and scale up community services

Together we can improve lives of the poor!